Parents Resources

Parent Ambassadors (PAs) will help parents connect to various internal and external related information and resources, share information for school related programs, events and activities, assist with parent recruitment and encourage participation in school & student activities, as well as assist with the coordination and implementation of parent trainings and events.

Beyer’s Parent Ambassador

Giana Sites – Parent Ambassador
On Campus in D-36 on Tuesdays & Friday
(209) 404-5632

Giana Sites

Meet Giana…

Hello, My name is Giana. I have lived in the Modesto area for most of my life. I enjoy being a mother, being outdoors and spending time with my family. Corresponding to all matters, while simultaneously providing full-transparency, proficiency and hands on guidance, are some of what I offer to my position. I am a highly consistent, well rounded person whom excels in interpersonal Communications as well as, being tremendously compassionate for all individuals and aspects of education. 

I am excited to be working with Modesto City Schools and eager to help provide information, guidance and share all resources that are accessible to me.

Please feel free to contact me for any assistance and/or any questions you may have at the following— or at (209 )404-5632.

Giana Sites is our Parent Ambassador, reach out to her for help navigating some important resources. 

Read Giana’s Welcome Letter here. 

MCS Parent Resources

To learn more about available resources for parents please visit the Modesto City Schools website.